Our Nanny Placement Process

We Are Devoted to providing Excellence with Each Nanny Placement.

At Heaven’s Reflection Nanny Agency, we understand that every family is unique. Each family shares different values, beliefs, and styles of parenting. For these reasons, we are committed to placing a professional Nanny that not only loves and cares for your children, but also strengthens and supports your unique family dynamic.

We Know Firsthand How Important making the Right Childcare Decision Is

Finding the most perfect Nanny for your family can be a tedious and time-consuming process. That’s where we come in! We take the necessary steps to get to know your family and then pair you with the greatest fit imaginable.

Whether you’re a family searching for a Nanny, hiring a Nanny for the first time, desiring knowledge on Nanny industry standards, or trying to figure out how to create a professional and long-lasting relationship with your current Nanny — Heaven’s Reflection Nanny Agency is here for you!


We wholeheartedly understand how difficult it is to find someone you feel secure leaving your children with.

We provide personalized Nanny placements by listening to the needs of both the family and the Nanny for an equally harmonizing relationship.

Families receive access to the most elite Nannies. All of our Nanny candidates have passed an extensive screening process.

Our Nannies often have years of experience in teaching, tutoring, counseling, and additional childcare related experience and skill sets. They also have a genuine love and passion for all children. They are excited to become a Nanny for an amazing family!

We take pride in working with Mississippi’s MOST Elite Nannies!

We help families Hire:


  • Live-Out Full-Time, Part-Time, & Temporary Nannies

  • Live-in Nannies

  • Night Nannies a.k.a. Night Nurses

  • Household Managers

  • Family Assistants

The Process

You might be asking, “Where do I begin to find the right Nanny?” “How do I know if the Nanny will be the perfect fit for our family?” “How do I manage all the details of hiring a Nanny?

Hiring a Nanny for your family might seem like an overwhelming process, but WE will be with you every step of the way! We make certain that the Nanny Hiring process is stress-free, seamless, and rewarding.

Why Work With Our Agency?

  1. We will guide you throughout the entire process by keeping you informed of Nanny Industry standards, employer responsibilities, and all additional elements needed to produce a long-lasting, symbiotic relationship between you and your Nanny.

  2. We will provide comprehensible and transparent communication. All of our potential Nanny candidates are presented to you with an extensive profile for you to analyze. Profiles include the Nanny candidate’s resume, references, and our agency’s personal thoughts on why we believe they’d be an amazing fit for your family.

  3. We offer continual support for your family even after your Nanny is hired! Yes, you read correctly! We truly care about the long-term relationships between our families and their Nannies. Therefore, we will be here to offer any advice or guidance if desired during the entire family-Nanny working relationship.


Step 1: Pre-Screening


We only accept the highest caliber Nannies with the most admirable childcare experience.

We personally interview the Nannies, as well as perform all of their background checks and reference checks. Our goal is to ensure that a Nanny has the necessary experience, qualifications, and professionalism that your family deserves.

We personally interview each Nanny candidate. We learn their values, personality, character traits, strengths, etc. We call a minimum of two childcare-related references for each Nanny that we believe will uphold our Agency’s as well our industry’s standards of childcare.

Our 12-Point Screening Process Includes:

  • Online Application

  • Resume Review

  • Reference Checks & Former Employment Verification

  • Pediatric CPR & First-Aid Certification Verification

  • Personal Interviews with our Agency

  • Social Security Verification

  • Sexual Misconduct Record Check

  • Department of Motor Vehicle Driving Record Check

  • State and County Background Screening (Felony & Misdemeanor)

  • Residency History Search

  • Social Media & Online Presence Screening

  • Nationwide Criminal Search


Step 2: Inquire


We get to know your family! We want to know all of your preferences, desires, and wishes regarding childcare. First, complete our Family Inquiry Form. We will then follow up with you within 24 Hours to schedule a call to discuss your childcare needs, lifestyle, values, and answer any and all questions you may have.


Step 3: Relax While We Get to Work!


We will create a job description and initiate the search for your amazing Nanny! We review potential Nanny candidates, conduct interviews, check references, and begin our screening process. We’ll tell Nanny candidates about your family. If we believe they’d be a great match, we’ll send you, their resume. We will coordinate and confirm interviews with any Nanny that you are interested in meeting and follow up after the interviews for your feedback. You can meet as few or as many Nannies as you’d like until you find your family’s best fit.

Step 4: It’s Time to Hire your Nanny


Once employment has been mutually agreed on, it’s time to hire your new Nanny!

We’ll walk you through the entire hiring process, including the work Agreement between both parties!

You set a start date—and employment begins!

Step 5: Congratulations!


Congratulations on hiring your Professional Nanny!

Our support for your family does not end after you’ve hired your Nanny. Heaven’s Reflection Nanny Agency will be here for you during the entire working relationship to offer advice and guidance!